Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I Blame Louisa, Laura, and Lucy

Lately, I've been noticing that a lot of bloggers I casually enjoy seem to have a small running theme. A similarity. A coincidence, perhaps, but a common thread, regardless.

Sure, some blogs share a pioneering spirit, raising chickens and baking their own bread and growing what they eat. Others like getting their hands dirty and DIYing their hearts out. Lots share a life-simplifying philosophy. Many chat about living an earth-friendly life. Most ultimately focus on giving their all to their families.

Just drop the name "Anne" (with an "e") on Facebook and the chatter starts. The same can be said for Laura and, to a lesser extent, Jo.

I blame the ladies. Those independent lady authors who came before us and created such true-to-life characters (characters who often reflected their own independent streaks) that still resonate with readers and fans a hundred plus years later.

Like many who grew up in the late '70s and '80s, I watched quite a bit of "Little House on the Prairie" and then, after watching my sister read the crap out of the series, swiped them from her book shelf when I was old enough to read a chapter book. During a time that could be construed as a bit terrifying (high child mortality rate, taking huge risks traveling to a new, dangerous territory to raise one's family, relying on one's own hands to provide food and shelter), Laura and her family faced challenges but grew together with warmth and even some fun. "Half-Pint" was allowed to be her own individualistic, at-times outspoken self.

I still think of her when I smell lemon verbena or see it at Bath & Body Works.

Laura was my gateway girl. Sweet and readable, I longed to eat biscuits with jam, grow my own garden, pull taffy, wear calico dresses with braids, and pretty much build a time machine to go join Laura in any one of her family's cabins. It was definitely one of the things that sparked my history obsession.

Next, thanks to the impeccably-produced "Avonlea" TV series, which my mother and I watched religiously each week, I became interested in the books of Lucy Maud Montgomery. I took one or two of her original Chronicles of Avonlea books from the library, but got absolutely hooked when I met Anne.

I loved Lucy's Sarah Stanley, but Anne was timeless. Between Megan Follows' performance in the miniseries and finally reading a handful of the Anne books (namely, Anne of Green Gables) when I was old enough to comprehend the flowery language (very Victorian), I lurved her. Anne (with an "e") Shirley was handed a pretty unlucky hand. Orphaned. Passed from one unfriendly family to the next. She finally landed in Prince Edward Island with strict, sensible Marilla Cuthbert and her silent, sweet brother, Matthew.

Her spunk, spirit, independence, and intelligence always inspired me. Aside from her disdain for her red hair, she never seemed to feel sorry for her lot in life. It helped me to recognize that, throughout history, lives have been hard. Damn hard. Far harder than mine, even growing up without my father. It taught me to suck it up and find the joys in life.

And, then, there was my all-time favorite author and character.

I watched the movie first -- the good one, the 1994 one. (I love Katharine Hepburn, but hers is only second place of the five -- yes, FIVE -- versions.) It became a family classic. My sister and I will still throw in the DVD on those "off" days we need the comfort of the story and the friends within. Then, in about 8th grade, I got my very own copy of Little Women for Christmas (which, considering the first chapter's theme, was perfect). Since then, I've read it piecemeal every year, or a different LMA work or biography. I have a new copy, but kept the old one. Of course. My dream is to own a first edition (two volumes).

Jo, the second oldest of four March girls, is the epitome of a feisty chick. She feels incredible highs when she's able to read, write, and act with her sisters and friend-next-door Laurie (um, a guy), and incredible lows when she feels a great urge to be able to do greater things during the Civil War and in her own life, a tad bitter that she wasn't born a boy with the rights they were afforded. She'd rather run, use slang, and speak her mind than be quiet or prim and proper. She's a modern woman if ever there was one. I like to think she (in the form of Louisa May Alcott, her alter-ego) would have very much enjoyed and embraced the independence that women have gained, and it makes me appreciate the education and choices I've been afforded. Even if I have chosen to get married and have kids. *wink, wink*

Little Women and LMA is one of the reasons that we like to travel to Concord from time to time. I've been through her house once (and, honestly, felt like I was meeting a celebrity the whole time) and have learned about transcendentalism, her famous family friends and acquaintances, and every year seem to find out more deeply interesting facts about her family and past. The fact that it's the site of the shot heard 'round the world...well, for a history freak like me, that's the icing on the cake. Nom nom.

I think it's only natural that so many of the independent female writers of today who may see any of these writers or their timeless girls as idols have taken to the interwebs to write their own hearts. The women of yore were romantic but realistic. True to themselves and independent. Hard workers to support their families. Strong as hell in the face of adversity. They helped show us a world outside our tiny little girl lives, inspired us to dream, and taught us to try what we want and work hard at it.

Write away, girls. Write away.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mama Must-Haves

Today's post contains affiliate links. They won't make your computer explode or steal your identity...I hope.

So many friends and acquaintances on Facebook (and, y'know, in the real world) are having babies left and right. We're in talks ourselves, but are still putting off a second bambino for the time being. We're also pretty private about things; that "don't tell anyone until the second trimester" thing is law for us, outside of one or two close family members or a BFF.

All these gorgeous shots of tiny shut-eyed beauties got me thinking about Hadman and what it was like to bring him home those 2+ years ago. Oh, how terrified and unprepared we felt. I'm tons more laid-back now, and Dave's improved immensely. We're kinda rocking it, parentally. Most of the time. 

Whenever we choose to have another (if we should be so lucky, knocking on lots of wood), I'm excited to try some things that, for one reason or another, didn't work out with our first little guy. I'll admit that, while I "tried" cloth diapering, I didn't succeed -- okay, I failed at it. So, that. There's that.

Also, with how humongous our monkey was, babywearing didn't really work out, either. It is what it is, but I hope to try it in the future. Maybe a future babe will enjoy it (and it'll probably make life a bit easier with a bigger brother running around).

But enough of the stuff that didn't work for us. Here are some of the stuff that I wouldn't live without that worked out awesomely for us...

#1 - It took awhile to decide on a pump to use at school everyday, so I took a risk purchasing this Medela In Style Advanced Breast Pump. Turns out, it wasn't such a risk, after all! This thing is a work horse. It comes with everything you need (you'll need to replenish your storage bags, but that's pretty much it). Once you get the hang of, y'know, feeling like you're being milked in a small space at work, it feels like routine -- thanks to this machine. Considering how nerve-wracking the whole concept of pumping can be, having a pump you can trust with such a delicate process is golden.   

#2 - I know, I know. You're thinking, "isn't this supposed to be essentials for parenting a baby?" Yup. We read to Hadley from week one, and it's pretty much his favorite thing to do today. And he's two. This was our first Mo Willems book, and we've been addicted ever since. Have you met Elephant and Piggie? If not, you totally should. They're the gateway drug to Pigeon. I also foresee some Knufflebunny in our future.

#3 - This Fisher-Price Space Saver High Chair (in a neutral color; ours is tan with polka dots) is probably the baby product with the most longevity. We used it from about 5-6 months until the present, and I foresee using it for awhile still. As the name implies, it saves the space of a regular high chair by utilizing a regular old dining chair as its base. When the time comes, this thing will store awesomely, too. I just can't say enough good about it. Seriously.

#4 - Dave insisted that I include Sophie, and I can't blame him too much. She's a classic, she's adorable, and Hadman lovingly chomped on her for quite awhile. Plus, giraffes turned out to be his spirit animal during his first year, so it was a perfect match. Don't mind the price tag on this one; she's worth it.

#5 - Glass bottles?! Are you insane?? Yes, but that's beside the point. These classic Evenflo glass bottles worked wonderfully and put my super-obsessed mama mind to rest about BPA and all those other nasties, especially when warming. We also used the smaller 4 ounce size, especially when he was holding his own bottles. Side note: When the kiddos get bigger and you're heading to a place that you know will have a tile floor, just keep an extra eye on the bottles. Made that mistake once; will never make it again.

#6 - If you're a new mama and you're having a hard time getting your little one to sleep at night, all I can say is -- SWADDLE, SWADDLE, SWADDLE! Then swaddle some more. These organic muslin blankies are what I prefer thanks to their breathability (especially when your newborn is a summer baby) and flexibility, which allows just the right amount of movement and comfortable snuggliness. Seriously, it sounds crazy, but these were a lifesaver. Probably the only reason we got ANY sleep.

#7 - The sooner you get a potty chair, the better. Santa brought this Bjorn Baby potty, which has since lived in the kitchen (under the above Space Saver chair, actually) and is utilized daily. He's not fully trained yet, but the fact that he's shown an interest since about 18 months is incredible. Thank you, Santa! He also knows that it's HIS special potty, so that's pretty great, too. Quick tip: Get a cheap little plastic bin and leave a handful of board books, along with dipes and wipes, next to your main potty. You'll get sick of the books (seriously, we could recite our four books from memory), but it'll make potty time way easier and fun for everyone.

#8 - We got a few bottles of Baby Bee shampoo-and-body-wash for our shower, and I'm so glad we did. I don't think I've had to buy a bottle yet! I just keep refilling my small one from the huge bulk-sized one. This is Hadman's main soap (he's also used one I had to review, which was fine), and I prefer it because a) it works, b) it's natural, c) it smells AWESOME (he doesn't smell like a little hippie baby; he smells just like a know the smell...the one you want to bottle and never let go), and d) it makes for a super fun bubble bath. I've even been known to use it as shampoo when I'm low from time to time. #noshame #notsorry

What were some of your essentials? Do you agree/disagree with any of my suggestions?

Oh, and feel free to check out the rest of my baby list items (I'm still adding) if you need a few more suggestions. Hint: Cheapest organic crib mattress EVER. Just sayin'. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Currently - July 25th

In 1970's game show announcer voice: "Welcome to this week's episode of Currently!" Let's see what's up, shall we?

This week has been full of watching. Watching the weather to see whether (weather...whether...whatever) I could do some work outdoors or in during a Hadnap. Watching the little guy's heiny thanks to a horrible case of...well, use your imagination. What makes one's heiny particularly neon red? Poor little monkey. (It's teething, BTW.) Watching a buttload of Sesame Street to keep him chill and relaxed. Watching "Little Women" during naptime because, well, Mama can only take so much Sesame Street.

Searching for my ancestors on is beyond rad. The nights that I can keep my eyelids open enough, that is. Dude. I'm related to Martin Van Buren. (Not the best president ever...or possibly one of the worst...but it's better than Hitler.) Oh, and we've got a handful of relatives that came during the "Great Migration" in the 1630s, along with one that goes back to Edward I. Yep. King of England, folks. Feel free to kiss my feet or try to overtake my kingdom and behead me. That might be fun.

It just goes to show you, though, that you're missing out on something if you ignore the ladies. I wouldn't have discovered any of the particularly cool ancestors (or the "important" connections, although those who migrated during the Irish migration are just as important as the "known" characters on the tree) or have gotten as much information if I hadn't clicked on the little leaf next to the ladies' names. Mind you, it saddens me that there can be full-length books written about a family's gentlemen but all you really find out about the ladies is their birth, death, and marriage dates. But, as I've always known, we are all truly equal as individuals and, damn it, ladies are cool.

Probably why I'm so thoroughly enjoying reading Marmee & Louisa by Eve LaPlante. It's no secret I'm a Louisa May Alcott fan (see above spiel about Little Women), and this is an in-depth look at how her relationship with her oft-ignored mother impacted her life and writings. The fact that the author is a distant relative who grew up with first-source materials in her attic just adds to the "thrilling factor."

We're growing them big here in the dorky/acting out household. Aye-yea. Veggies in the garden. Cats on the furniture. Toddlers who look like they could start kindergarten tomorrow. He won't have his two-year appointment until next month (his pediatrician is having a baby this month, so...sheesh, how dare he? ;-)), but it'll be interesting to hear what percentile he's in. I feel awkward when people start talking to him in the 4-year-old rather than 2-year-old way at the grocery store and expect answers. There are times that he's completely social ("HI!!!!" is pretty much all he'll say to strangers, though) and others when he's a terrified ball of shyness, so either way, they doth ask too much.

Ignoring the fact that (counts on fingers) FIVE months from TODAY is Christmas, folks. The mess. The toys. The pile of ignored clothes. The running from one family to the next. The baking, the buying, the wrapping. Actually...I'm a little excited...but I'm still ignoring it. Hoping to simplify things a bit this year, too, so we won't jump off that bridge until we get to it.

What about you? What's "currently" happening with you? Growing anything cool? Ignoring? Searching?

Linking up to the incomparable Harvesting Kale and fabulous Ot & Et.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Why Would I Want One of Those?

Our house is a step back in time. Our TV is an Admiral. (Dave's from a long time ago.) No flat-screen. Just a big black box. We keep it prominently displayed just in case someone considers casing the joint. (And when it goes, we have a second just-as-outdated TV waiting in the wings.)

We have a record player (that also plays cassette tapes - I only have one anymore - and radio) in our sun room.

And, in an unfun take on the ever-popular, ever-ruined (in the library world, at least) "Where's Waldo" books, just try and see what's missing from our kitchen. Aside from general housewifey cleanliness.

Yup, no dishwasher.

There are a couple of reasons that we never took that plate plunge.

First, there's no realistic space for the thing without making the place look seriously effed up. The base cabinet would look all funky near the sink, and there really isn't the space for it there, anyway. Our kitchen's a pretty good size (there's a wall of cabinetry behind where I took the picture and tons of space for a small table/stools and cat food - priorities, people - on the right), but it was built in 1920, so there's really no non-awkward place for one.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not sure if it's the more efficient way to wash or not. I should probably search for some ways TO make it more efficient, but the comparisons seem minimal (and, in all honesty, I'm tons faster than Dave at it, so I think it's a tad more efficient the faster you are; play "beat the water", it's fun. *shakes head* It isn't.). Still, I'll continue the search. In case you're wondering, here are a few interesting articles: Treehugger (love them), NPR (love them, too) and GizMag (who?).

Anyhoo, the other big reason is that we really don't care. We've been offered the gift of a dishwasher several times, but we always quickly agree that it wouldn't be necessary. We really don't mind washing dishes by hand. And, regardless of what it may sound like, we tend not to have a full sink of dishes always waiting to be washed. (Sometimes a couple of random mugs or a plate and a knife or fork from breakfast. Maybe.)

I know. Crazy, right?

I guess that, since we've lived here, we've really gotten used to this method. Our apartments didn't have dishwashers, but we both grew up with them (and I'm assuming Dave didn't do a lot of kitchen cleaning as a teenager...just a guess; I, however, have done an @$$ ton of it since early childhood), so we know the pros to those magical mystery machines. Really, yes, they're great. We get it. We do.
But, a dishwasher's not a necessity. Plus, I've come to enjoy dish washing.

Okay, wait. The wording's wrong there. I've come to enjoy not mind dish washing. Using a brush (we used to have one for just the baby's stuff plus a bottle brush to keep it all "less contaminated" and started using the old baby brush on our that he's allowed to eat dirt and other things I can't fathom, we're using the same one), it's fast and easy, and seeing an empty sink and full dish rack is completely fulfilling.

It also gets me off my @$$. It's easy to fall into the "sit and stare at the TV" mode after eating, especially a bigger meal like dinner. But, knowing that there's a pile of dishes waiting in the sink makes me completely unable to relax. No way. So, after the dishes are done, sometimes I ride off the rush of having accomplished at least one tiny bit of housework for the day, using the adrenaline to get something else done...or patting myself on the back and feeling that I've deserved some TV/blogging/'s-uncomfortable time.

And what's better than that? Even when we move one day and, say, the joint doesn't have a dishwasher...I doubt we'll jump on the bandwagon.

What about you guys? Who's a hand washer? Who swears by their dishwasher? Who just makes their kids do it like my mom? I can't blame her, really. Her parents got an automatic dishwasher after she graduated and got married (which happened practically at the same time), so I think she realized what her value was to the family. ;-)

Come to think of it...wait a minute.

Hmm. Hmph.    

Monday, July 21, 2014

Being Kinda Productive For Once

I finally kickstarted my "get some $%&# done around the house" engine. Maybe the guilt of not doing stuff was hanging over my head. Maybe the fact that I purchased paint weeks ago and it was sitting, unused, on our deck. Maybe I finally got enough energy (or overcame the mental demons). Maybe I wanted to find "bursts"(remember those?)  of easier-to-manage tasks (or chunked-up tasks) to make it seem simpler.

Whatever it was, I got to work. And, slowly but surely, the trend continues. It even spilled into the nearest vicinity like a nasty plague (not to the neighbors; to Dave!).

I had already wire brushed a majority of the formerly invasive ivy plants which had attacked the side of our foundation. Seriously, the left caterpillar-esque tendrils of plant veins clinging with what looked like millions of legs ON the cement. There were areas that I just painted over them (uncool, I know), but for the most part those buggers were gone.

So a few quick tips for painting a foundation...

Use a crappy brush. This is actually one of my FAVORITE short rubber-handled angle brushes, but it had seen its day. Your brush will be ruined and will no longer be able to follow a straight line. It's a drunk brush, but it works for this purpose.

Use horrible posture and wear the least supportive shoes on earth. Seriously. I know you want to take several minutes to get up then walk like you're 90 when you're done, right? Follow this example:

Show your toddler-toting guns. Seriously, I didn't know I had those. Thanks for the awesome picture-taking, Dorky Daddy!

My actual advice is to use an old newspaper to not only catch drips but use as a guard. Yes, it'll keep paint from getting onto your garden beds/driveway/etc (it actually works; the stuff you see is actually junk from when they put in our new window) BUT it keeps your brush from getting dirt/gravel/mulch/randomness stuck in its bristles.

Nothing to see here, really. Just enjoying the picture. I look badass. Painting. With a "Life is Good" ("Half Full" glass) hat and my too-big cast t-shirt from our high school production of "Once Upon a Mattress". It's my go-to painting shirt and has splatters from every set I've ever painted on it. It's getting buried with me. But, of course.

The perfectionist-without-perfection will admit right here, right now, for all the world to read: I'm not a fan of the paint color. I'm not sure what I was thinking. I know I wanted a more charcoal color, and admittedly this one looked darker on the swatch (and in the can, which tells me it's not mixed wrong). I'm positive it's the combination of a super bright summer sun and the angle with which it hits the foundation. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

It also dries Darker. Kinda.

Either way, it looks cleaner and brighter, so it's fine. I'm not going to nitpick. S'all good.

I started the project late last week, then spent time with family on Saturday and got back to business on Sunday during naptime. Since there's a chance of rain today, I'm not expecting to finish today (I'm about 2/3 done), but if I do, I do. And I kind of hope I do.

No worries, though. I've got another project halfway finished that will grab my attention if the "rain rain rain comes down down down..."

This. Damn. Ceiling. Okay. So...ahem. This spot had a super budget style light fixture installed...but it had been placed where the angled ceiling meets the straight part of the ceiling in our upstairs hallway. Like, a half circle was cut out of the angled ceiling. Crazy town.

(This is actually after I patched it for the LAST TIME.)

We've patched and sanded sporadically over the years, always putting it off longer. There were times we had thin little sheets of crappy patchwork hanging precariously. The cats had grown to ignore them, so used to the crapfest were they.

So, Sunday morning after we went out to breakfast (and I had discovered that my favorite antique center nearby wouldn't open for another hour, egad), we returned home with one foul-moody, high-strung mama on board. I felt like I was spinning my wheels, so I checked my short list of house to-do's, grabbed my sander and step stool and started the a-gypsum a-flyin'. (Not sure if it's really gypsum in drywall...or whatever our house is made of...but work with me here.)

Of course, since I threw myself headlong into the project (happens. every. time.), I had failed to check on our spackle supply. D'oh. Very little, and all dried out.

Sooooo, Dave was good enough to watch Hadman while I ran to Lowe's. Of course, $100-something later I also came home with a few super cheap window blinds and a handful of other do-dads for other projects...and my beloved Dap goes-on-pink/dries-white stuff.

I applied, then had lunch, put the munchkin down for a nap, and hit the outdoors (see: foundation painting). After Dave had gone inside and got the little guy up, I finished my painting for the day and headed indoors to sand, yet again.

I'm sure you already know this, but start with the lower grit number (it's rougher); the higher, the gentler (finish with the gentler stuff).

Oh, and another word of advice. Don't take selfies. Seriously, just don't. But, if you MUST take a selfie, be sure to do it ONLY when you can embarrass yourself royally with it. 

And don't lick your lips after sanding. Stupid idea.

So, today I hope to slap on a coat of ceiling paint (how do I have two gallons of THAT in the basement but am incessantly out of what I usually need?)

Oh, and I also took the cat tower's rope scratching post from annihilated (spelled that on first try, woo to the hoo!) to looks-like-new --

RIP Monty Mouse. He squealed. #beardsleesourgodfather #jaspersourmuscle
Complete with massive amounts of help and support from Beardslee along the way. #notreally #heslept  He made some headway on reupholstering Daddy's computer chair completely in cat fur, though.

And I thought I'd share a few pics of how the garden's doing, along with its fashionable tulle attire (to keep cat poop out of our's THAT for fabulous?).

Last I knew, those things (to the left, to the left) weren't trees. Too bad they turned into trees this summer 'cuz they're bogarting all the sun for my garden, man.

Oh, and the trellis near the garden in that picture? History. (It was being eaten by ants.) That was Dave's huge project this weekend, and it's awesome to finally have the thing down. Plus, a farmer helping neighbors move asked if he could take the posts and everything (ants and all), so it all got a second life. *warm fuzzies*

Summer squash lookin' all growy and stuff...

Can you see what I see? Look closely...little neon green cuteness. (I don't mind that they're cute. I just mind the taste when they turn red and, y'know, "edible." Ew. I love my husband enough to grow him two tomato plants, guys. That's mad huge love.)

Right after I picked one handful of lettuce, right before I picked the rough-around-the-edges leaves. Keeping it real.

Our first "bounty." Just a teensy strawberry (I moved those near the front of the garage and they're doing "eh, okay") that Hadley ate immediately, a couple of cherry tomaters and jalapenos, and a fistful of lettuce.

Whew! So! I know it's a long one, but that's how we've been productive lately. How about you? Getting anything checked off any lists -- even if your list includes sitting on a sandy beach with something cold to drink? (I'd like to live vicariously.) Go ahead, tell! Or just post some horrific selfies in the comments to make me feel better about my lack of selfie skillz.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Currently - July 18th

This week has been a bummer. I'm not sure why. Well, I kind of do, but some things are private...even in blogland. ;-) But, I'm counting my blessings and that's totally what counts.

Anyhoo. Along with the "currently"!

1. I'm working on my saving tactics, once again. The closer we get to possibly moving, and most likely paying far more than we currently do, I've gotta get control. Unfortunately, it's tough when your professional clothes need a major upgrade for the new school year.

Any suggestions on relatively inexpensive -- you know, $79 for a blouse ON SALE ain't a sale to me -- and practical/comfy/relatively not matronly (I'm a librarian...but....), give me a heads-up in the comments! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!

2. Ever try closing the parts of your brain that say "No. You can't do that. You're not good enough. Why are you even..." (you get the point)? I'm trying to do that. Hopefully by closing those doors, others will open that say, "Wow! You're cooler than I thought. How great!" We'll see.

3. Hadley was loving our season pass to the zoo this week! We went yesterday and it just frickin' rocked. Animals that weren't around last time were out, it wasn't too busy, the lions were SUPER close to the fence (SO EXCITING!), and the list of awesome goes on. There's a tiny building that has animal and nature specimens for kids to "examine" (along with a magnifying glass) that he discovered and I almost couldn't get him out. There was even a composter and other eco-lessons that reminded me why I'm so proud and happy to be raising such an animal-friendly little scientist. #thankswildkratts 

4. I'm despising how I feel. Anyone else get seasonal mood disorder in the summer? I've realized it happens every. Single. Year. It's not full-blown depression (I know the depths of that well enough), which is encouraging, and it ebbs and flows throughout the summer. Like, isn't this supposed to be the happy, sunshiney part of life? Especially when I'm lucky enough to have summers "off" with my little man? If you're feeling me, comment. If not, skip over this one. ;-)

5. Since "throwing" Hadman's party, I'm "throwing" myself into my to-do list of house stuff. Er. "Throwing myself" may be too strong. "Gently sticking my toe into" the list might be better. Seriously, some of it's super simple and some is super complicated or time-intensive, so it can be overwhelming to think about sometimes.

One at a time. One at a time.

So, how're you all doing this week? Anything fun happening in your neck of the woods? Anyone else dealing with the summer doldrums or chores they don't want to do (or escaping to a zoo or other fun place)? Let's chat!

*Linking up at Harvesting Kale and Ot & Et (just her title is cracking me up this week...hee hee, Tony Danza).

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Shave Time, Shave Money

We are nothing if not simple folk. I know some who know us might disagree -- we're not Amish, by any means (and if I'm offending any Amish...what the heck are you doing on the Internet??). But, ultimately we feel that it's better to live a simple life than a life full of too much stuff, too many complications and too much drama.

So, simple we are.

That said, when the Dollar Shave Club (yes, that Dollar Shave Club, founded by Mike, himself) asked if I'd be up for a "Shave Time, Shave Money" challenge, I was like, "You know who I AM?!" Er. Stay cool, Meg. Stay cool. I was like, "You betcha!" in my best mock Sarah Palin voice. Seriously, I'm a sucker for a challenge, even if it's failing miserably while attempting it. See also: junior high basketball attempt...and volleyball.

I thought I'd share a handful of ways that we have stumbled upon that have shaved time and/or benjamin-spending from our family's daily routine. See if you're doing any of these simple life hacks already or if they'd help you out...

- Tea and coffee, coffee and tea. Hot water + plant life that's been toasted beyond recognition = an item that many can't make it through the day without.

And know what takes more time than you may realize on a daily basis? Waiting in line for your morning fix. Even if it's a drive-thru, it takes at least 7 minutes in our neck of the woods (and if you have to go inside? Fuhgettaboutit.). Not to mention the cost. Even a basic $2 coffee (and we all know it's not $2, especially a soy mochafrappamachiacino) adds up to $10 a week, or $40 by the end of the month. So, yeah. We don't play that game.

Instead, while we're running around putting lunches together, we put on the teapot or get the coffee going. By the time lunches are done, our hot beverage is ready for sugar or honey or milk. A big pro here is that we have complete control over the ingredients. Let's just say that even organic coffee or tea is mere cents a cup made at home vs. $2 at Dunkin' or Starbucks.

You can be like my awesome stepdad and measure out the coffee and fill the machine with water to make it easy in the morning to just flip the switch when you're ready.

- Speaking of lunches, prep is key. If you make a conscious decision to make, say, one huge salad on Sunday night, it'll make weekday mornings markedly easier. I kid you not; stay in bed 10 more minutes. Just store items like sliced tomatoes, sliced strawberries (seriously, don't laugh, they're soooo good with feta in a salad), or diced cheese separately to avoid slimy grossness, then just assemble quickly in the morning (or, better yet, the night before).

We're cool with salads (plus some grilled chicken or varied toppings) everyday; just grab a cup of yogurt, an apple, and a bag of pretzels or popcorn. We throw in a wrap (also made in advance, filled with some of the salad ingredients) or leftovers once in awhile so that the salads don't get boring. Packing a different flavor of dressing or vinaigrette, or using a variety of ingredients helps, too. We find that a handful of almonds can really add another level of flavor.

Not only does this provide a healthy option, but it also makes it easier to "just say 'no'!" to a takeout or fast food lunch. It's definitely way cheaper to do the Ford assembly line method, too.

Is "Just Say 'No'!" too 80s to reference anymore? Too Nancy Reagan? You can be honest, I can take it.

- This one's for you die-hard money saving fools out there. We've talked before about our decision to switch off the cable, but it's the perfect time to bring it up again.

We were sick of the high cost of cable and the fact that we only watched, say, 20 of the 70 channels. So, we bravely switched to the 11-station plan. Um, I say "bravely" because we were addicted, and we didn't know anyone taking that step. (Compared to, say, soldiers...we ain't brave.) Since then, we've adjusted fine and even have a few friends and family cutting back, too.

If there are certain shows you need to, like, exist, don't sweat. Hit up Google to find out what streaming device will hook you up with your faves and put a chunk down to buy it. Seriously, still way cheaper in the long run.

Luckily, Dave and I love PBS (hellooooo, Downton, History Detectives and Sherlock!), Hadman's also a PBS lover (Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger!), and we've had Netflix streaming on the Wii forever. It suits us just fine.

- Share and share alike. What's simpler than purchasing only ONE of everything? This is a tad different with a toddler around, but the Dorky Daddy and I share a lot of the basics, and it cuts back on extra purchases and makes shopping super easy. We use the same toothpaste, soap, shampoo (I've even been known to use Hadley's), deodorant...yeah. A lot. It's also helpful to keep an eye out for coupons and know that you're saving even more. 
But don't share razors. Ew. If you're looking to streamline your shaving experience and pay less doing it, try the Dollar Shave Club. For one low monthly price, they send you "f$%&ing great" razors and keep you smoother for cheaper. Seriously, for as low as a buck; what's cheaper than that? $12 a year?! That's nothing. Have you BEEN through the razor section of a store lately? Insane.
- Dude, shop at a grocery store. This may sound weird, but my advice is to shop at a grocery store for your groceries.


Yyyyyyeeeeaaaaahhh. By this...what I mean is...okay. If you're used to shopping for groceries at a store like, say, Schmalmart, think about how many times you've come home with something that wasn't food or food-related. I'll wait.

*clicks on Canadian TV station*

*clicks off*

*looks around*

*takes a drink*

Figure it out? Back when I used to shop at Schmalmart, in my glamorous bachelorette days, I spent about the same amount of cabbage that I do today at my local grocery store. While buying just food. For THREE people.

What busted my bill so badly back then? Extra crap. "Oh! $5 t-shirts! Seasonal candles! Clearance flats!" See what I mean? I ALWAYS bought something else -- something I didn't need -- when I went grocery shopping."

Side note: I also bought stuff like bottled water, soda, and a million more processed items back then. We've since gone "real food" and while organic is more expensive, the fact that I'm not adding on stuff like that helps balance the cost. Just sayin'.

While I know there are pitfalls of shopping at a grocery store (I do get my dish soap, washing detergent, toilet paper, etc. at the grocery store), it's mostly food, so it's harder to fall prey to the "buuuuuuyyyy mooooorrrre" monster. Also, I don't kill an entire afternoon or a couple of precious hours shopping anymore. 

Make more sense now? Sweet.

- Think old. It's no secret: Dave and I are old souls. We probably over-romanticize the past and long for simpler, wholesome times (without all that bigotry and hatred). To be blunt, I wish we could live in a Capra movie. And it looks like Hadley is on the same track, preferring '40s big band for dinnertime listening to anything else and he still kicks up his heels to Fred Astaire songs. (It's like he knoooowwwws.)

But, I'm not suggesting that you take it to our extremes or start dressing all vintage or join a swing dance club. What I am suggesting is that you just take a step back and think about life back then and how you'd like to slow down your modern life a bit.

People grew gardens. People knew their neighbors and said 'hi' and sat on their stoops and dropped off cookies for no real reason (except maybe to say 'thanks' for watching their kids last-minute the week before). People only owned a handful of outfits, enough to fit into a single armoire. People owned the basics, but knew how to be happy. People were thrifty by nature and it wasn't looked upon negatively.

How can you fit some of these into your daily life? We try to purge every season (and sometimes more than that) and keep only what we love. We question our purchases. We stop to talk to neighbors when we have a minute. We shovel their walkways when we have extra time. We wave when we drive to or from home.

And the occasional day offline helps you feel more connected with the life around you, a well. Our grandparents were the original YOLO generation; it's good to look to them as models of a good life.

So, there we have a handful of methods that we like to utilize to "cut" (get it? Cut...) back our money a-spending and time a-wasting. Do you already use any of them? What tips would you add to the list? Did I rise to the "challenge"? Am I the only 30-something who joneses to watch "This Old House" and "Antiques Roadshow"? Answers! I need answers, people!

I was not monetarily compensated or provided with free products for my feelings. Dollar Shave Club and I partnered for the topic of this post. As always, all thoughts are completely, 100% my own.***

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hadley 2.0

Hadman is officially a two-year-old, y'all. It happened. And I was, once again, a kinda crappy blogger. After putting a crapload of time into putting the party together (not a complaint; I enjoy doing stuff like that), I failed to take any Pinterest-worthy pictures. Okay, I failed to take many even halfway decent pictures.

See why I don't own a DSLR camera? I don't deserve one. *hangs head*

But, guess what I do have, folks. *points to head* The memory and the words, so it's time to put pen to paper fingers to keyboard and spill the deets. After all, we all know... I. Rite. Good. Goodly. ;-)

The realization that the day might not go as planned came Saturday -- the night before the big event. See, there's a huge local 15k/5k/wheelchair run that gets mad exposure (and brings mad tourist dollars) to the area. Out of all the run's 30+ years, it never had to cancel, but the impending weather for it (which happened to be Hadman's birthday) was seriously threatening it.

Spoiler alert: The weather turned out fine. Not rain-free, mind you, but not tornadic like earlier in the week. (Not kidding.) Whew.

But, because we knew there was a chance of rain/high winds/severe weather, I decided to nix a vast majority of the decorations. *frowny face* I tossed up a chalkboard banner I had filled in to say "Happy Birthday Hadley" (with ducks and stars cutey-ing it up) and a cool little plaque that I can't wait to reuse every year, as well as a Duck from "Click, Clack, Moo" that I quickly sketched. Add some chevron fabric for the food table, a few party hats, and a smattering of neat duck facts (I'm nothing if not a fact finder), and I called it a day.


I kept reminding myself that it wasn't about the fancy. It wasn't about the Pinterestworthy pictures (which I probably would've tried to get if I hadn't been distracted by the weather). It wasn't even about the food, necessarily. It was about Hadley's day, and if he and everyone who came had fun, that was the damn point. It helped me chill out a bit. A bit.

The food wasn't too crazy, but it kills me that I didn't grab a picture of my fruit skewers. Kills. Me. :-P Just picture: skewers with blueberries and strawberries in one mason jar, another with pineapples/cantaloup/watermelon on another set of skewers in a mason jar. *sigh* I tossed the rest of the loose fruit in a bowl near some honey yogurt dip (I wasn't a fan, but I don't like honey; next time just vanilla) as well as some watermelon ducks (watermelon + duck cookie cutter) in a bowl surrounded by blueberries.

Can't you just envision it? Thanks. Thanks for helping out. I appreciate that.

We also had popcorn on tables, some pretzels and chips on the food table, some tomato pie that my in-laws were awesome enough to bring, and a veggie platter with super yummy dip. Thanks, Ina! And I brought out a lemon cake with lemony cream cheese (sorry, Dan!) frosting, plus some classic vanilla ice cream on the side. Hoping to post the recipe soon, since I took two and combined 'em.

At this age, with pretty much just Hadley and his shy-of-3 cousin (and a couple of awesome teen cousins), there's no need to plan much for a party. No need for pinatas or games or anything; not yet. Between providing a less stressful planning experience for Mom and Dad, it's nice to see what unfolds.

And that was, by far, the best part of the day.

Have you noticed how we don't get many rainy summer days the way we did when we were little? (By this I'm talking as a kid of the '80s, but it could apply back to the 1840's; if that's you, God bless ya!) Well, we had one of THOSE rainy days. Awesome!

Hadley fed birds with Grandpa ("Papa"), picked cherry tomatoes with Grandma, rode in his new wagon with his BFF cousin and, best of all, ran around and splashed in the puddles with everyone else.

You know it's a good party when someone needs to be thrown in a bathtub before heading home. That can be applied to adult parties, too, by the way. ;-)

So, even though Hadman had a meltdown thanks to completely missing a nap and it rained lots, it was an insanely awesome party! Thanks for vicariously attending with us!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Best Birthday Gift Ever

Today I've got a different type of recipe for you -- and there are several variations you can try, so feel free to mix it up all you like. Oh, and one warning: the ingredients take FOREVER to find (ahem, make), but they're worth the effort. Seriously.

Want a cheese sandwich? Start with some bread...cheese, of course...a piece of lettuce...maybe two...a tomato (if you're into that sort of thing)...then top it off with another fluffy slice....

Just serve with a carrot or two and you've got an awesome lunch. Yum!

Or you could just pull a Dorky Daddy and have a salad for lunch. (He'd have two salads for dinner...then more salad for dessert. Seriously.) Personally, I'd switch out the tomato for strawberries.

Speaking of strawberries...grab a few for a snack! (Pardon the water spots.)

Oh, you're in the mood for breakfast? We've got that covered, too. Eggs and toast, perhaps?

So, this was my "big present" for the monkey's birthday. It doesn't look like much, but I've worked on them every night for a month or Just the hours alone make them pretty valuable. And the fact that he and his cousin started playing with them immediately (and that they're, apparently, a cat toy, as well), which makes all the time worth it. Big time. :-)
I'm hoping to make a pizza or more breakfast items for Christmas. They're not hard to make, just time intensive. Whip stitch...whip stitch...whip stitch.... Yep, there's your tutorial. That's all you need. Cut out the shapes (I free-handed) from felt, whip stitch the edges until you die, then stuff with filling...or fill with stuffing, whatevs. Rinse and repeat. The cheese was just a cut-out of orangey-yellow felt; that one was super easy and made up for how time-intensive the rest were. ;-)

Depending on where we live at that point, we'll also try to work on a kitchen area for Hadman to house all of his spoons, spatulas, and pots the utensils and pots he's stolen from me and for further pretend play. He's in love with them, so I'm super happy that these turned out so well and were well-received. (By the way, he's mixed them with the food toys he already owns -- the ones with the smiley faces -- below...and a stuffed turkey. Which makes sense. Maybe.)

Oh, and for anyone wondering, I'm working on a quick birthday rundown post for this week, too. We hope you had as awesome a weekend as we did!

Friday, July 11, 2014


In honor of our little monkey man's second birthday this Sunday, I thought I'd share a list of his recent words and phrases that have us cracking up...or saying "awww!" while wiping away a tear. Either or. This is also completely selfish because a) I'm forgetful to the max, b) the baby book doesn't have cool parts for this stuff, and c) um, we haven't done great at keeping up on that, anyway. So, without further a doo-doo (I know, I know, it's adieu)...

One- and two-word sentences are the cool thing at the moment. He's too busy, I'm sure, for anything lengthier. ;-) You also must read the below words/phrases on the higher pitch spectrum. Not super high-pitched, but up. Friggin' adorable.

So, some of the sounds-mundane-but-makes-us-downright-giddy words have been...

"Okay!" (it's the WAY he says these!),

"Honey!" (thanks, Pooh),

"Happy!!!" (my heart melts),

"Babies" (no clue why; maybe his dolly; yes, he has a couple),

"Guys! Okay, guys.",

"Bub" (tub, of course) and "wawer",

"Good" and "bad"
(soooo helpful when teaching right from wrong! He think Winston's the naughtiest kitty, apparently),

"mama dada boo!" (practically one word, said in that order, meaning family; Boo = Beardslee),

"Jappers" (Jasper),

the occasional "Wee Wee" (Winston's nickname),

and various body parts (nose, eyes, toes, etc.) and a good number of letters and numbers.

Every day there's a smattering of new awesomeness. I can't keep up.

Aaaaand the piece de resistance: When I was in the shower over the weekend, Dave and Hadley were watching old Donald Duck shorts. It showed a sign that said "Out to Lunch", and before Dave knew what hit him, Hadley said "out to lunch." In shock, Dave asked if that's what he said (he's never used the phrase before, ever) and, nonchalantly, Hadley answered "mhmm." Oh, that? It ain't no thang. Just reading off the TV screen before I turn 2. No big. Jaw. On. Floor.

So, it looks like we'll be working on sight words sooner than later!

The real reason that this stuff gets me so dang excited is the fact that, for the past, eh, year and a half to two years, the poor little guy hasn't had a say in ANYTHING. Imagine. Not being able to communicate except through screams, a few hand signs, and guttural noises. It had to have been incredibly frustrating. The more that he plays with his language and sees how we react to different words (always super excited when he displays a new one, letting him know it's okay to try them out and okay to make mistakes), the freer he seems in his personality.

For example, I've always asked yes/no questions, and for the longest time he would just say "uh-huh" and "uhn-uhn". Sure, he still does that a bit, but now it's a direct "yes!" or "nooooo" with gusto and energy in every single response. He definitely knows the importance of inflection and he's putting himself into the lines already, folks. He's a little Barrymore, he's so friggin' entertaining.
I'm also trying to give him more choices so that he feels like he has a bit of a say in this little ol' thing called life. "Pancakes?" "Hmm...noooo." "Eggs?" "Um, no." "What, then?" "Burries!!!" (Berries.) Guess who had a crapload stack of fruit for breakfast.

Oh, and I said "Well, those people suck" when folks wouldn't let us cross at the supermarket yesterday. "*Mumble mumble* yuck." Same inflection and everything. Oops. I knew full well it was a copycat moment and had a very quick, very important conversation about what he should and shouldn't say -- and mentally whacked myself over the head for saying it in the first place.

I guess it's Swear Jar time, Mommy. And I'll be putting the most cabbage in. Der.

So, mamas and papas (and anyone else with an opinion) out there. Am I being crazy? Is this "First Child Syndrome"? Is it weird to want to try to remember this stuff?  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Currently - July 10th

This week is all about Hadley. He's turning 2 years old this Sunday, so we're doing plenty of reminiscing, planning, prepping, and just generally getting getting our heads in order. God. Two years. He's practically in college. *sigh* Gotta say, the ladies who put "Currently" together selected the PERFECT themes for our week! ;-)

We'll be celebrating with our close family members this year. Last year, we invited a ton of people -- all whom we care about deeply -- but this year, we decided to cut it back to just family. (What my mom calls "a normal birthday party." Thanks, Mom.) Just kidding, I'm actually super lucky that my mother agreed to hold the party in her backyard since they've got way more space than we do (and we could all fit under their carport easily if it rains). I can't wait to have a larger space for times like this...and for an excuse to clean. Obviously.   

There are times that I can't seriously believe how much Hadman's growing into a little boy, but at other times I'm like, "Yup. That happened. I remember it. It's gonna get worse." and I can rationalize the crap out of it. Parenthood! I'm just lucky that, when I ask him, he still identifies as both a "big boy" and "mama's baby." Oh, Lord, I'm going to go cry now!!

Monkey's (in case you don't notice, he's got a million nicknames) been playing pretend progressively better lately. Oh, and so am I. There was a time when I was about 9 that I remember telling Mom that I was officially a grown-up because I had lost my ability to pretend. She laughed...a lot...and I think I know why. Only a kid with an active imagination could come up with crap like that.

But, seriously, there are a handful of great reasons that parents need to take time out of their day to play, on the floor, no devices in hand, no pictures being taken, no distractions. There are positive psychological and developmental repercussions for the child, but I've noticed that it can be a mood enhancer for Mom, as well as providing my brain with some great exercise... not to mention fun memories.

For setting up the shindig, I'm hoping to put up a couple of handmade posters (with none other than ducks from his favorite books, of course), a row of streamers behind the food table, and a mix of the old poufs and a few new ones that go with the yellow-and-blue duck theme. I found some fun cloth to use as a tablecloth for the food table to reuse elsewhere (can you say "chevron"?!), but the rest of the tables will just get a wipe-down. My sister's also going to bring a kiddie pool to set up, and my stepdad found the old school sprinkler (which kids may or may not run through, we'll see; Had's still at the "trip over his own feet" stage) for some fun. Only having two little ones to run around at a party like this makes the "entertainment" part of it kind of simple.

Even a small birthday party like ours isn't THAT small. I only sent out 5 homemade invitations (they're awesome), but that ultimately invited 16-17 people. See why we couldn't have it at our small house? Plus, I come from Blogland, which is just a town over from Pinterestonia. I've got to at least put some effort into the aesthetics of the thing. Although, no matter how adorable the paper straws are, NO ONE uses them. NO ONE. Unless, of course, you serve root beer floats.

Oh, the feelings. The feelings. I'm calmly excited (vs. last year's inevitable stress-out), a tad nervous about making a lemon cake that'll be fluffy (I'd like to never use a boxed cake mix ever again...even if they are delish), but ultimately all the emotions revolve around Hadley's growth. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing some of the stuff he's saying now, which, when compared to one year ago...well, it's a completely different kid. Totally.

So, that's what my week's currently about. After his birthday, I'll be turning my attention to some puttering around the house and other laid-back funness. :-) With my guys in tow, it's hard not to enjoy life.

Thanks for hosting, Ot & Et and Harvesting Kale! You ladies rock.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Lemony Goodness

Apparently lemons are my thing lately. I'm hoping to make a lemon cake for Hadman's birthday this weekend. But today's not about recipes. It's about essential oils.

I've had my starter kit for a couple of weeks now, and I'm discovering the awesomeness of each kind s-l-o-w-l-y. As a problem strikes, I turn to Google to see which oil will help me out. It's been fun to learn about these all in a hands-on way. And it's kinda funny to see how excited, amazed and clueless Dave is about these little viles of magic. I'll never forget the first time he set eyes on them and said, "Aww! I'm so sorry they're so small. Is there a bigger size to buy?" Sure, 15 mL is a small container, but for the most part you're only using a few drops to maybe 10-20 in one use. So, they actually last quite well.

So, while I've been using lavender on my pillow (Dave says it's the best sleep ever), an "arthritis" blend for my achy knees (I'm not old, really), tea tree on my feet when I feel like I'm coming down with a summer cold, and peppermint to chase away an upset stomach, I thought I'd share my current FAVORITE use for essential oils. By far the best.

See, while I'm not a laundry hater, and I stay on top of it pretty well, I have a tendency to get that smell goin' on with it. You know the one. The I-forgot-the-load-and-left-it-in-too-long-on-a-humid-day musty smell that, if you wear the clothes, follows you all day.

I'm the queen of that smell, it seems. Am I the only one?

Well, the only EO that I've decided to relocate out of the handy carrying case is the lemon -- next to the washer. It's going to stay there until it's empty...then I'm getting more to repeat the process!

There are two ways that I use the stuff. I've come to add it automatically (10 drops, give or take, depending on the size of the load) to the washing detergent before dumping it into the washing machine. If I don't get to the clean-but-wet load in a day or so, I haven't noticed that musty smell AT ALL.

Then, if the load has been in the dryer and is displaying any not-nice smell, I put about 10 drops on a washcloth (it can stain, so make sure it's an old cloth or one you're okay with staining; this hasn't happened for me, but you never know), toss it in, and run it until everything's dry (or run it for awhile to "fluff" the load). If it doesn't take it away completely, repeat the process. It shouldn't take more than two "fluffs" to rid the clothes of the smell.

The reason that the lemon EO is so ideal for laundry use is its disinfectant qualities. (It can also be used in other cleaning applications, too.) See? The stuff ain't just for aromatherapy! I've found a couple of links (like this one - alternative to disinfectant hand gel?! - and this one) that give you far more information than I currently can on other incredible uses for this lemony goodness.

Does anyone have an EO uses that they can't live without to share? I'd love to pick your brain!

By the way, I'm not a seller of any essential oils, so these opinions are just to help out anyone interested in the benefits of EOs, no strings attached. :-)