Wednesday, April 29, 2015

5 Reasons I'm Okay Spending $100 on a Dinner

Depending on the time of year, we go out maybe every 1-2 months and get a pizza every, eh, 2-3 weeks. Compared to the old days when pizza was weekly and going out was, well, probably also a weekly thing (plus any fast food stops, especially back when we were first dating and acting in shows), this is pretty stellar. 

So, I thought I'd talk about briefly about why it's totally cool with me that Dave's taking me out for my birthday for what's undoubtedly going to cost probably $100...give or take. 

via Trip Advisor

Special Occasion - I don't usually give into the "it's my birthday, I deserve it" sort of thing. However, we often decide that we'd rather take advantage of a super rare date night (seriously, if we get four a year, we're doing something) than to actually buy gifts for the other person. This year, I don't find myself "in need" of anything, so an incredible meal it is. (We often do something similar for our anniversary or Valentine's Day.) Plus, any time we can eat without the little one is pretty much a special occasion. ;-) Thanks to the sitters (grandparents) of the world!!!

Insane Food - I know you probably already assume that insanity has to come into play when it comes to spending over $100 on dinner, but it's not our insanity; it's the INSANELY AWESOME thought put into the cuisine at our favorite restaurant. I've chatted about what an incredible spot The Tailor and the Cook is in the past, but yeah. I'll repeat it again, it's just. That. Good. The word "delicious" doesn't describe it well enough. Also, the fact that we eat out less than the "good ol' days" makes us really enjoy this style of food more, even if we do it only a couple of times a year. 

Locavore's Paradise - We obviously wouldn't be willing to spend the big bucks at a regular, local restaurant (or chain) that serves the usual fare. But, much of the food served here is based on the local ingredients they've sourced. The care in the menu alone shows the thought put into the season and proper preparation of the food (hello, fiddleheads and ramps!). Plus, knowing (and often seeing at our local farmers' markets) the farms and food producers displayed in a totally proud, transparent way? We have to get behind that. 

The Anticipation - Okay. I haven't had a huge appetite lately, but when I found out we'd be going to T&C, I couldn't help but check out the menu. Seriously, I can't decide what to get, but it doesn't matter! Just look at that menu! And the things that sound strange are what end up being your favorite, so I put my faith into the hands of the chef(s). 

It's an Investment - People consider all sorts of things investments. Saving for college. (Okay, we do that.) Buying cars. Collecting dolls. All sorts of things. For us, food like this is an important investment. We care about the food's treatment before it even gets to the restaurant, we care that the chef(s) give it the best possible flavor profile, and the experience of the entire evening fulfills us to no end. So, yeah. It's an investment we'll gladly make.   

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