Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Christmas in July

My mother had a tendency to be early...for everything. I kind of agree, and get anxious when we don't leave early (or, God forbid, when we leave late!). But, one thing I remember her saying a lot over the years is that when we were kids she liked to get her Christmas shopping done by sometime in September. If she could do it before school started, all the better.

The poor woman can't do that anymore since it's like pulling teeth to get lists out of all four kids, spouses and grand kids. I get it. We're annoying. ;-)

But, this year, I'm hopping on the "the earlier, the better" bandwagon. With a second little one coming mid-November, my usual Black Friday fun with my sister will have to be skipped. Heck, a lot will probably get skipped. But, Chrismas fun? NEVAAAAHHHH!!

We actually have a stash that we add to throughout the year for monkey, anyway, so we'll be inspecting that to see what, if anything, we need to round it out. (Figuring out his size will be a challenge for clothes.) Dave and I have a tradition of taking a Saturday to shop together for a couple of special little guy gifts from Santa and getting coffee or lunch together, so we'll most likely drop him off to the grandparents and take the little one with us to do that again.

Otherwise, I'm already searching the interwebs for deals. There are a handful of things we need to buy for the baby, so my eyes keep wandering, but my focus is CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Lots of online sources are touting Black Friday deals in July, so I'm hoping to stock up and get some stuff off my list sooner rather than later.

So, here's my strategy:

- Paring down. Since my side of the family is doing the "only buy stuff for the kiddos", that cuts back on the number of people we need to buy for. We will still always get something for all of our parents since they do SO much for us. I'm also hoping for "quality over quantity" for Dave and I, too, and will be setting a smaller limit than usual for ourselves and the kiddos. They'll still get stuff, but a reasonable amount, especially considering that our extended family will be getting them stuff, too.

- Infant gear. We're not buying a ton of stuff because, well, we have a lot. However, because Hadley was a summer newborn (and some of the stuff has worn out), we'll be in need of some new clothes. In advance, we'll be getting some new cloth dipes, a new carseat, and some cold weather essentials. However, we won't need a million outfits because that's what we'll get (and ask for) for Christmas, along with a couple of other baby items.

- Keep things flexible and open. It seems the closer to "Santa time" you get, the more the list grows, doesn't it? The week of Christmas, it's common for a kiddo to add one thing they RRREEEEEEAAAALLY want. Hadman was so all-over-the-place in the past that it didn't matter if Santa missed something here or there. This year, I'm asking early, working on the list *together*, and getting stuff early. However, this is why Dave and I have a shopping date closer to December -- just in case there's an item that we'd really like him to have or that he adds.

- Organization! Lists are the only way I sleep at night, I swear. So, I've got a Google Doc of my list and everyone who needs to be gifted. (I'm also going to have a list of the to-do's as far as pre-baby planning and when we get closer to the holiday, too.) Seriously, savior.  

- Do as much online as possible. Sure, I could schlep out with the 3-year-old to try to buy full-priced stuff in the stores...but isn't there a better way? Yep. Shopping during naptime in your sweat shorts with free shipping and pretty decent deals? I'd call that better!

Am I the only one who is planning for (and starting in on) Christmas now? Can you blame me, though, really? ;-) Honestly, if I don't start planning now, I'm going to put off any thoughts of what's to come (and, honestly, it makes the baby feel more "real" when planning for after he/she comes) and find myself completely unprepared.

And you know that I'm starting to browse Pinterest for simple ways to celebrate Christmas (along with space saving nursery ideas).

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