Monday, January 19, 2015

Cat Relationships Be Weird, Yo

A vast majority of the time, our cats ignore each other. Sure, they full-on live with each other and at rare times even make eye contact. But, for the most part, they keep to themselves and seem to pretend that maybe, just for a mere second, they're the "only cat." And they're each happy with that.

But what strange, subtle relationships exist. Staring ahead blankly while your brother cat licks your butt for five minutes straight. Sleeping on the opposite ends of a bed for literally the entire day (or sometimes even curled up near each other...merely for the heat source, of course, Mama; no affection intended here). Bathing each other without actually acknowledging each other. It takes a lot of talent to act that complacent.

Other times, they use each other as a means of getting food. Lately, we are incapable of sleeping past 5am (sometimes far earlier) without one of them becoming a wildcat due to an empty belly. Wildcat is code word for bully, but as we all learned in the school yard, "if someone hits ya, hit 'em right back." {I, for one, disagree with that logic. My cats do not.} So, we have to hiss or stomp or spray them, which only keeps them apart for juuuuust enough time to snuggle back into our warm bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Once fed, they go back to living in their own worlds.

Yet, we know. We know that, while he lives for the moments when his tiger brothers are napping away the day so that he can rub all over us and be the little-do-they-know kiss-up of the group, Winston adores his brothers. He especially loves Hadley. He's almost always nearby, either watching Hadley play (partly with caution, partly as if to say, "Whatchya doin'?") or curled up near his bedroom to keep an eye on things. Highly intelligent, I think he appreciates and relates to Hadley's innate mischievous nature. 

Beardslee watches over him, too, but in a slightly more detached way. Actually, that's pretty much his role in the house. He's the boss supreme. Winston may be the brains of the operation, Beardslee has control and power. While he sleeps about 90% of the day away, he's clearly king. If you pick him up (or do anything he doesn't prefer), he's got enough force in his body to push an adult human on their butt. Strong. But, he's also the soulful, kind orange tabby that reminds us, daily, that our hearts would break without his constant presence. I cry just thinking about the day that he's no longer with us.

Jasper, on the other hand, has always worn his heart on his sleeve. He loudly springboards into the crib and sometimes shares the end of the bed (or even lays ON the little guy's legs and belly, much as he does with Dave) for entire naps. He instantly starts to purr when he is paid the least bit of attention. It's so easy for Winston to goad Jasper into fights; you can just look at the boy and he'll hop over to know what he can do for you. Craves love, the poor thing. The fact that he's not the smartest of creatures makes him seem like a foreigner who sometimes doesn't understand what you're saying, but who lives life with a great passion. Where Beardslee's the soul, Jasper's the heart of the house.

While I know that Dave and I have changed, particularly in our life priorities and life choices, since having Hadley, I am incredibly proud that we haven't changed in our opinions of our first "babies." Over time, we've either heard stories or been told that "things would be different when we had our own" child. Kind of funny, but we always balked (and were offended) at the thought. No, we wouldn't love them or treat them any differently. And, boy, am I happy to report that we were true to our word. We spend tons of time with Hadley and try to have fun and let him know how much we cherish him, but we still steal special time with each fur boy, in the form that they each enjoy - solo time [often "naked time" after a shower for Winston (he's very European)], simple petting and praise for Boo, and cuddling in bed every night with Jasper.

And here I always thought I was a dog person who just happened to have three super special cats (which is true). Turns out, I'm just an animal person. Dave and I can't wait to continue raising the next generation of animal lovers. :-) 

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