Anyhoo, this spot happens to be what I'd refer to as a "landing" - is that what YOU call that spot that adjoins two staircases? I had added a cat-friendly bench that I painted and reupholstered and threw up (ew, throw up) a hand-me-down window treatment, and called it a day. While the kitty boys enjoy the spot (especially since it gives them an awesome side view of...well, a very-close neighbor house, but a bird's-eye view of the backyards), something wasn't working for me.
The very dark "before" shot.
So, it occurred to me to hang the $4 bamboo blinds we recently purchased from Christmas Tree Shop (I LOVE THAT PLACE!! Hello?! $4?!) and some not-being-used sheers to add Peacefulness? Suntin-suntin? And, while I was at it, the boys' toy basket found its way under the bench.


A nighttime view. And, yes, I'm owning the "those sheers are a tad too long" look, for now. ;-)
On a side note, while I'm on the complainy train, I HATE the carpet in our house. While I'd adore being able to tear it ALL up and get all the floors refinished, I'm not sure that it will ever happen. New baby + hardwood floor dust + THE COST = craziness. *Sigh* And it saddens me, it does. BUT, since Mr. Jasper came into our lives, the carpet has gone through some very rough times - especially on the stairs. SO, I'd like to at least rip up the carpet from the bottom of the stairs upward. It'd be nice to clean them up a tad and possibly paint the front of the risers. Sound like a safety hazard? (Less friction while carrying a newborn?) Any ideas/opinions?
Here's a thought for those stairs. I wish I had a flight of stairs that I could do this too. Sigh....
Awww, what a neat idea! I could definitely see doing it into an attic area/reading nook space (if someone could be lucky enough to have such a space AND stairs leading to them!). For now, any improvements that we do will lean towards being "buyer ready" when it's time to sell...some day. ;-) Thanks for the neat inspiration!