Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Generously Minted - Giveaway

Raise your hand if you're ready to leave this frosty season behind! While I do my best not to obsess over winter's chilly bite, it's definitely easier to appreciate when you can find some springtime inspiration. Kind of like the gorgeously refreshing light to look forward to at the end of the icy tunnel.

So, when Minted contacted me to talk about their products, I hopped over to their website and found immediate inspiration, all with a gleam of springtime freshness and warmth. In case you don't know, Minted is a fun company that offers beautiful invitations, cards, party products, home decor and art, all from independent artists' designs. The fact that they have a Tree Planting Program that works with Plant-It 2020 to plant trees in order to supplant the paper that they use (some of which is actually made of 100% recycled paper) makes it a no-brainer to work with them.

And talk about gorgeous stuff! 

Here are just some of my favorite art prints that I'm having serious mental back-and-forths about choosing:

Don't they just pull you out of the winter doldrums?? They're all beautiful, but I'm leaning towards Float with its bright retro watercolor vibe and Indigold with its fun, floral 1960's mood...although I've always had a soft spot for Forsythia.

Speaking of springtime, Minted's Wedding Invitation Collection is sure to fit the mood of any theme you might be planning. Designs range from simply elegant to modern, graphic and colorful. No matter the design, all are of the highest quality.  Seriously, if Dave and I were planning our wedding today, I'd use these guys.

That said, aside from pretty spring art and wedding invites, I'm loving the kiddo stuff. I find myself falling for the birthday invitations (I'm mentally planning Had's third birthday already!) as well as the adorably quirky nursery artwork since both my sister and sister-in-law are expecting babies.

As always, I'm having a hard time deciding.

And, guess what. One of you will get to experience the same wonderful "I can't pick just one!" feeling. Yup! has generously offered a $50 credit to one of my lucky readers! How excited am I?

Just click on the Rafflecopter options below for methods to throw your hat in the running. Good luck!

Today's post is written in partnership with All thoughts and opinions are my own, as usual.


  1. ah so pretty! definitely has me wishing for spring ;)

    1. Aren't we all dreaming for it? :-) Every last bit helps.

  2. How fun! It's super cool that they sought you out - your blog is famous! Congrats! I can't wait to get gardening and getting the kids outside regularly.

    1. Lol thanks! I can't wait to get the little guy out more, too. :-)

  3. They have a print I really like called "Young Fig." They also have cute signs I could hang in the girls' bedroom!

  4. I just want to be able to walk around outside without a huge coat and earmuffs! Warmth please!

  5. I would put it towards my wedding invitations. Loving this one:

    1. OMG, Liz, gorgeous choice. And congratulations to you!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Congrats Liz! I just got engaged too, aren't the foil pressed cards to die for!

  6. I'm looking forward to visiting my local botanical gardens- every spring my fiance takes me once the weather warms up- I love going through the gardens and taking a nice walk, and then after we usually go see a play or watch a movie- it's too cold right now to do that though! So I'm definitely looking forward to the weather warming up

    1. That sounds incredible, Kelli! We have nothing as awesome as that in our area, but just getting out of the house will be lovely. ;-)

  7. If I won, I would put the Minted credit towards my save the dates, we still haven't settled on one card yet- but this one is the front runner-

    I just love the floral theme and the foil pressed look is just so elegant- we're so excited!

  8. I'm most looking forward to taking my baby outside on walks! he was born about a month ago and i hate going out when it's cold (let alone with an infant). I'm also looking forward to opening the windows in our home and letting in some fresh air (it will probably be mid june before it's warm enough for that, but oh well hahah) :)

    1. Ohhh, I hear ya! I can't officially "spring clean" until the windows are swung open. And I hear you about taking a little one into the cold! It's so much worse for them than for us!

  9. I would get a journal and an address book. I like this design

  10. I'm most looking forward to being able to wear sandals and get out of the house more with the kids

    1. Ahh, sandals! I almost forgot how much I love those. ;-)

  11. I am looking forward to going fishing.

  12. I would love this: Beach Day Party Decor

  13. I am looking forward to grilling out and just being outside with my family

  14. I like the painterly splash fabric

  15. This print is lovely:

  16. I love winter so much, but these prints truly make me wish for spring. I know. I'm surprised too. Nice writing too, Meg!

    1. Lol thanks, Sam. I'm with you; the prints made me finally think, "Okay, I'm ready to move on to warmer temperatures now." Thanks for entering!

  17. I'm looking forward to shopping at the farmer's markets.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  18. I might get the Haberdashery Day Planner and Notebook if I won.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  19. I can't wait to see grass, use my backyard again.

  20. I would stock up on personalized wrapping papers for hubs and my son. as well as contact cards for play dates.

  21. I'm looking forward to the spring flowers
