
Friday, August 15, 2014

Currently - August 15th

Dudes. August is halfway over. Practically. I suck at math. And I make completely blatant observations. Hi, my name is Megan, and I'm awkward.

Oh, and I'm working on a bit of a makeover for this here blog, but am having some layout issues. So, all ya get is the new header. Enjoy the cleanliness while it lasts!

That's enough of an intro, right? Here's what's "currently" going on 'round here...

I'm currently searching for rugs. Well. I shouldn't say "currently" because I'm always searching for rugs. We have area-ish rugs in our sunroom (with boring, thin stripes; too traditional), living room (there's also a carpet, but I need to ground our seating area...with a rug that's only slightly darker than the carpet...der?), and dining room (three words: squares, multicolor, scrolls). The rugs in those areas ain't cuttin' it anymore, so I've scoured Overstock, West Elm,, and about a dozen others regularly to see if I can find a deal. Unfortunately, even the deals are a tad rich for my blood. Plus, when I find something I *think* might work, I question it. I'm just a questioner when I'm spending a couple hundred (each?!) smackers. I drool at Target this time of year, thanks to back-to-school college kid rugs.

On non-sticky and non-comfy/ugly clothes days, I've been wearing the crap out of a silky blouse I scored at TJ Maxx recently. I'm not usually a Maxxanista outside of their home goods goodies, mostly because their stuff is super trendy (read: only a model can wear it without looking super awkward...and we all know I'm pretty awkward on my own) or downright ugly. I also always feel like, while perusing their racks, I'm searching the clearance racks at Kohl's (ya never know what you're gonna get), where I always leave disappointed. This one, however, has some small navy-and-coral (reddish coral?) prints and is flowy enough to make me feel hip but covered up. And it's weird because I'm not a "blouse" person. At. All. But, it's my new fave and has made me think about a few other pieces I should try. Isn't it awesome when ONE PIECE can inspire you for the rest of your wardrobe? Worth the price...which I forget.

Needing me some full-on motivation. It hasn't gotten any better since last week. Almost every day has been usurped by some thing or another, so my days of "he's napping, go paint/dust/pick up/go through something" have halted. I'm to the point where I know I should just finish ONE more project before I head back to school and I'll be happy. Now, which project will that be...?

{I could totally use two for this one, but I'm gonna get creative here. Watch me!}

Despite a really kind offer from loved ones for their house and a deep desire to do so, we've decided to put off any moving plans to the spring. Again, we hope to keep working on our beloved-but-small house while keeping our eyes on the market in areas we hope to move. The two reasons we have to move: Our neck of the woods is getting a tad scarier and just isn't an area we hope to raise kiddos (not so bad that we can't wait a little, honestly) and since we do hope to have more kids, it's just too small (it's shy of 1,000 sq. 3 cats...carry the one...yeah, it's cozy). The two main reasons to wait: Some big ticket bills will be paid off come spring, so our finances will leave us feeling a lot more comfortable to make some changes, and waiting also means that we'll be able to look more for the wishlist items we hope to have in our "want to own it a long, long time" house. 

I won't say that I've been eating crap recently, but my husband and son are eating tons better than I am. Our dinners are usually the same thing, but I tend to incorporate more veggies and fruit into their lunches and snacks (and sometimes breakfasts) than I do my own. I just don't pay any attention to mine. I've been carb-based for awhile and I'm concerned it's starting to show a bit around my mid-section. Squishy. So, I'll be on the search for a lazy person's workout routine to get my arse moving (see? Moving?) and try to make a few food changes to see what I can do. Needless to say, we haven't been as active as we all should be for an adorable, young, spry family. *ahem* She says while eying the innumerable gray hairs springing forth from her noggin.

I'm taking part in the Currently linky party, graciously put on by Ot & Et and Harvesting Kale. Gotta love a party you don't have to brush your teeth or brush your hair to attend!


  1. Hmmm... well if I was gonna be moving in less than a year, I'm pretty sure I'd be too cheap and lazy to bother upgrading the rugs (she says gazing around the house at the avocado green shag that dates back to about 1972.)

    Anyhow, my favorite lazy exercise program (I'm really good at lazy) is something called "slow weight lifting" - you basically just do free weight stuff and leg lifts, only with very light weights and you do the movements as slowly as you can. It's rather amazing how much you can work your muscles that way and it totally doesn't feel like "working out" to me, so I'm able to trick myself into actually doing it! :-)

    1. The rugs are throw rugs, not like wall-to-wall carpeting. I'm hoping to bring them along with me to the next joint. ;-)

      That's an idea, thanks for sharing it! I'm not usually a weight-lifting lady; more of a cardio and crunches sort of minor leaguer. But I'd totally consider it! :-)

  2. Why are rugs so stinkin' expensive?! Me no comprendo. Eventually we would like to take up the ancient carpet from our living room, but rugs... ermahgerd.

    Ha... squishy. I have a squishy and she is my squishy. And I hope that getting this FitBit do-dad will get my arse a movin' too!

    1. THANK YOU!! Ernahgerd is right!!! And so glad I'm not the only one with a squishy. We'll attack those squishies (or procrastinate...) together!
