
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hadley's Third Birthday - Best Laid Plans

So, I was hoping to have a rundown of the decorative plans I had in mind for the little guy's birthday, along with some pictures of the whole thing for you today. Well, I have some pictures, but they don't show much of anything.

With all three of us under the weather and unsure of whether or not we'd be super contagious, we had originally decided to cancel the whole thing. Then, after talking with my mother a bit, we decided just to have the grandparents over. There are a couple of newborns in the family that we wouldn't want to get what we've got, so we cut it back. Besides, I had already bought tons of food (which there was no way we could save another week or two for a party that we weren't even sure others could attend), so it would be great to celebrate the day in a low-key way.

That said, I still worked hard (which, as a pregnant lady means that I worked until my belly ached -- the belly knows when it's time to slow down, y'know) to bake and chop and grate and assemble. As the time drew nearer and nearer, I realized I wouldn't have the time I'd hoped to do the decorating I had planned on.

No baby blue streamers. No Peter Rabbit cake topper and wall hanging. No poufs. No Pinterestworthiness.

That's not a word, but it's definitely a thing.

But, we did have time to do a thorough cleaning job, and last night at 11pm I found myself sketching chalkboard drawings to bring a little festivity. Oh, in complete honesty, this stuff finally took the place of my spring chalkboard and *ahem* Easter baskets. Seriously. I've been slacking. ;-)

So, from the things I grabbed at the local "dollar store", I used some faux greenery on vines to give a little garden feeling. And, seriously, don't fresh fruit and veggies do a great job at hitting both a) feeding partygoers and b) adding to the 'garden' theme?

 Sorry, beverages. Party was underway and, as usual, Dave took the pics while I did last-minute stuff.

So, we served a pared-down version of the original menu: loads of fruit, veggies and homemade herb dip (Ina Garten), cold cuts with fresh rolls, chips/cheese/crackers, "munchies" (Annie's chocolate bunnies and bunny snack mix...get it? Peter Rabbit??), and our family's favorite pasta salad (Mom brought). Water, lemonade and iced tea for the hot day's beverages. Oh, and chocolate-covered strawberries (Ina, again), homemade carrot cake (good ol' Good Housekeeping - very moist, but took FOREVER to grate the carrots) with cream cheese icing, and an untouched strawberry rhubarb crisp. Admittedly, everyone was stuffed, so that'll be breakfast this week. ;-)

I know it still sounds like a lot, but considering I cut the decorating down to next to nothing and we didn't have tomato pie and sausage bread and was far less crazy and more chill than it would've been. Oh, and for the record, it's the only cold cuts I've had (I believe?!) the entire pregnancy. I cheated, but at least I didn't have a beer...right??

Considering we only had three guests (my stepdad wasn't feeling well) plus the three of us, this kid got GIFTS. Thomas stuff, clothes galore, books, a fishing game he's loved at his cousin's, some superhero stuff, a bubble mower and A SHAAAAARK! (We also saved some stuff for tomorrow since that's his actual day, but MAN I'm thinking we should save some of it for Christmas!)

When it was time to nap and he melted down, you could hear how sick he still is. Super runny nose, incredibly raspy...not as croupy as when he sleeps, but not good, poor thing. I'm just glad that his daddy and I have gotten past that "I don't feel goooooood" whiny crappy feeling so that we could focus on how awesome our special guy is.

We felt awful that we couldn't party it up with the whole family (namely, his super fun cousins, and I always love seeing my siblings), but I know we'll see everyone throughout the summer, so we're trying not to focus on it too much. Considering he's only turning 3 and he doesn't have a huge circle of friends yet, it was still a memorable, fun day meant to make him feel remembered. I'd say, snotty noses aside, it was a success!

Now, if he could just feel better. :-(

On a positive ending, we didn't realize how much Hadley has changed in the past year until Dave started putting together his annual video. Wow. A year ago, his words existed but were guttural and communication was highly emotionally-charged. A recent BabyCenter email updated me that he's probably saying 3-word sentences now, but it's sooo far from the truth. Aside from run-ons, he's incredibly verbal, and his vocabulary surprises us with its complexity. We still have our toddler meltdowns, but he's much better able to communicate his feelings.

He helps when we give him a task. He's open and welcoming to the idea of a little sibling (he insists it's a girl and today said her name is "Flamingo"). He's sweet with a tiny mischievous side, prefers running to sitting still, and is dying for us to find him more friends. Somewhere along the way, he's started coming to us with spontaneous moments of love and brief cuddles, which he was never a fan of before. Overall...the kid rocks.

Here are some of the answers to some questions I asked him:

Favorite Things - Age 3

Color - "Blue." (funny, it's usually orange)
Toy - "My firetruck." (really?!)
Stuffed animal - "My lamby."
Thing to take to bed - "My shark."
Fruit - "I like all of them."
Cereal - "Gorilla Munch."
Breakfast - "Gorilla Munch." (I blame the order of the questions on that answer)
Lunch - "Peanut butter and jelly." (had to answer for him; this is his fave)
Dessert - "Ice cream." (not really, he doesn't eat the stuff)
Beverage - "Grape juice!"
Dinner - "Nothing, nothing, nothing." (I think lunch and breakfast are his big meals; he'd prefer not eat dinner.)
Animal - "Uuummm...a lizard!"
Book - "Pajama Time."
Song - "1-2-3 sing with me...(continues singing own lyrics)"
Game - "Matthew and me used to play golf. And Aunt Mary and Lizzie and Uncle John were there...."
TV Show - "Cartoon Batman" (the 1970s cartoon version, although we know he loves "60s Batman", too.)
Movie - "The Muppets"
Thing to do outside - "Run around."
Best friend - "Cooper." (Actually, equal parts Cooper and Lizzie, so the answer varies.)
Job when he grows up - "Do Daddy's job...Lego Batman exercise!" (He wants to use Dave's old Lego Batman Wii game but knows he can't until he's big.)

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